Getting your partner on board!

A lot of you voice to me that you struggle implementing some of the things I recommend because your partner or spouse can come in at the last minute – and it seems like – undo everything you just set up. 🤯 The reason I can paint this picture so well is because it’s happened in […]

When To Worry 😟

Often I hear mom’s say, “My child won’t eat ANYTHING.” As a practitioner when I hear this I have to assume that if they are eating absolutely nothing – no food is passing through their body – there is room to be concerned. Call your child’s pediatrician immediately! Now that that is out of the […]

Picky eating troubles? Mash it up!

Most little ones LOVE mashed potatoes. If yours does, good news! You can bridge your little one’s love of mashed potatoes to loving broccoli! Try mashing it up! Add steamed broccoli to your potatoes before you mash them to create a creamy, smooth, yummy side dish for any meal. Picky eater tip: Start with only […]