3 things I wish I did differently!

We learn from mistakes, right? I am about to share 3 things I wish I did differently with my kiddos and hope you can learn from them too. πŸ‘€ Firs thing is first – IF YOU ARE FEEDING your kids, you are doing it RIGHT. However, there is always room for growth, right? Here is […]

Getting your partner on board!

A lot of you voice to me that you struggle implementing some of the things I recommend because your partner or spouse can come in at the last minute – and it seems like – undo everything you just set up. πŸ€― The reason I can paint this picture so well is because it’s happened in […]

When To Worry 😟

Often I hear mom’s say, “My child won’t eat ANYTHING.” As a practitioner when I hear this I have to assume that if they are eating absolutely nothing – no food is passing through their body – there is room to be concerned. Call your child’s pediatrician immediately! Now that that is out of the […]