Mess is good

If you are anything like me when your little hits that age of trying solids you try to contain the mess. I want to share with you what I went through with my son during that time and how not letting him get messy had created a barrier between him and food. I do have some tips and tricks on how to keep the mess at a minimum! But mostly let them have fun and experience their food.

I reference one of my other podcasts on Picky POPportunities if you haven’t listened go ahead and click here!

Looking to change up your menu? Look no further click here to learn more about the REVAMP system and how you can make small changes to your menu!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

External vs Internal

I’m talking about the difference between what an external and internal reason to eat is and how it may not be helpful to be using external pressure to make our littles eat. I give some tips on how to step away from using external pressures and how to help your littles tune back in with listening to their body.

Ready to learn how to help your littles eat new and more foods? You can enroll in my Table Talk picky eating program RIGHT NOW. Click here to learn more and enroll!

Want to try Dino Bars for yourself? Grab a pack by clicking here and use code Alyssa10 for 10% off.

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!


With so many highchairs on the market how do you know which one to pick? I go in depth on my journey with highchairs with my son (it was definitely a learning curve!). In this episode you will find tips and tricks on what your littles need from a highchair. Here is my amazon shop where I have a couple highchairs listed under “feeding” that I would highly recommend.

Click here to enroll in Safe Beginning’s online CPR course. Use code Alyssa20 for 20% off.

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

BONUS: “Is this healthy mama?”

This is an IGTV Live I did over on @the.mama.well with my BFF Brooke. We were asked this question at our free class this past Monday and we wanted to break it down how to talk about food with your kids. Click here to watch a replay of the class (it will get taken down Thursday March 24th at midnight).

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

LQ: Teaching hunger and fullness

Today I am answering a listen question, actually I have gotten a few questions about this topic. She asked, “Does Table Talk help teach your little one how to tune into hunger and fullness?” and “How do you teach your kids that they are full?” Such great questions! I go in depth on how to help you teach your little ones tune into their body!

Ready to learn how to help your littles eat new and more foods? You can enroll in my Table Talk picky eating program RIGHT NOW. Click here to learn more and enroll!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

Myth busting picky eaters

Let’s chat about picky eating myths. I break down: pressuring, they won’t starve themselves right?, they will never like it and picky eating is just a phase.

I reference a few of my other podcasts like When to worry and Is picky eating really that bad?

Looking to change up your menu? Look no further click here to learn more about the REVAMP system and how you can make small changes to your menu!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

How to help them stay at the table

Do you find it hard to get your little one to stay at the table? I give my top tips on how you can help them stay sitting longer!

I referenced another podcast I did on grazing, click here to listen!

Ready to learn how to help your littles eat new and more foods? You can enroll in my Table Talk picky eating program RIGHT NOW. Click here to learn more and enroll!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two! I would love to start a third one 🤪 DM me if you would be interested in a podcast about homeschooling!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

Why they stop eating foods they used to eat

Do you know what to do when your littles all of the sudden do not want to eat a food they have loved in the past? I give tips and ideas of why this might be happening and how to handle it.

Want to try Dino Bars for yourself? Grab a pack by clicking here and use code Alyssa10 for 10% off.

Ready to learn how to help your littles eat new and more foods? You can enroll in my Table Talk picky eating program RIGHT NOW. Click here to learn more and enroll!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well yes I have two! I would love to start a third one 🤪 DM me if you would be interested in a podcast about homeschooling!

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

Do you know what A2/A2 Milk is?

Today I am talking with Blake and Stephanie Alexandre about their A2/A2 Organic Milk. They explain what A2/A2 milk is and their story on how they started making A2/A2 Organic Milk.

You can check out their website! They have a search feature so if you are interested in trying their milk it can show you where the closest store is to you.

Click here to enroll in Safe Beginning’s online CPR course. Use code Alyssa20 for 20% off.

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!

Regulating Emotions with Stephanie Lopez

Feeding kids shouldn’t be this hard. Picky eating can take over your life, feeling like every meal is worse than the last. It’s time to reclaim your kitchen tables and actually start enjoying meals together. Click here to join Table Talk! FOR A LIMITED TIME: Use code TT50 for $50 off (expires at midnight on 2/17/22)

Today I am talking with Stephanie who is a Mindset and Emotion coach. She mainly works with moms to decrease their anxiety, people pleasing and conquer difficult thoughts and emotions. In this episode we talk about how to help our littles work through their emotions with food. She also gives tips on how us as parents can work through the emotions we are feeling when we get frustrated with our littles.

Listen to Stephanie on The Mama Well Podcast here! This episode pairs so well with this podcast!

You can follow Stephanie on Instagram @drstephanielopez. If you want to work with Stephanie you can check out her website

Loving the podcast but looking for more?

Head over to my Instagram account @nutrition.for.littles where I drop almost daily content helping you change the mealtime environment in your home (make sure to watch my stories where I teach and explain in more detail!)

Hope this episode was helpful for you! If it was it would mean so much to me if you left a written review it only takes you a second but helps other mamas just like you!

Also if you liked this episode share it with your friends and family because it really does take a village to raise kids and it helps when your village is all on the same page!

If you haven’t yet make sure to subscribe to my other podcast The Mama Well

Thanks for tuning in, until next week mamas!