LQ: Teaching hunger and fullness

Today I am answering a listen question, actually I have gotten a few questions about this topic. She asked, “Does Table Talk help teach your little one how to tune into hunger and fullness?” and “How do you teach your kids that they are full?” Such great questions! I go in depth on how to […]

Myth busting picky eaters

Let’s chat about picky eating myths. I break down: pressuring, they won’t starve themselves right?, they will never like it and picky eating is just a phase. I reference a few of my other podcasts like When to worry and Is picky eating really that bad? Looking to change up your menu? Look no further […]

Do you know what A2/A2 Milk is?

Today I am talking with Blake and Stephanie Alexandre about their A2/A2 Organic Milk. They explain what A2/A2 milk is and their story on how they started making A2/A2 Organic Milk. You can check out their website www.alexandrefamilyfarm.com! They have a search feature so if you are interested in trying their milk it can show […]

Regulating Emotions with Stephanie Lopez

Feeding kids shouldn’t be this hard. Picky eating can take over your life, feeling like every meal is worse than the last. It’s time to reclaim your kitchen tables and actually start enjoying meals together. Click here to join Table Talk! FOR A LIMITED TIME: Use code TT50 for $50 off (expires at midnight on 2/17/22) Today I am […]

Let’s talk about utensils

Did you know I have a FREE class coming up Sunday February 13th and Tuesday February 15th! Come to learn my step by step guide to helping your little ones *actually* try new foods plus you’ll get so much more! Click here to register! Can’t wait to see you there! This week I am answering […]